Alright! This is going to be quite the post. I've been absent for a while, but have not stopped cooking! It's been a bit hectic with school starting again and getting into the habbit of things once more. Somehow I've also managed to get myself sick. Lots of vit c for me! Here is an update on the meals I've been making.

This is the Chile Cornmeal Tofu from Veganomicon. Amazing. The texture and taste came out perfectly with a bit of crunch from the cornmeal. I want to try this again with the mole sauce.

This is from,
What the Hell Does a Vegan Eat Anyways? This was really good. It was a fried tofu with mustard cream sauce. I changed the recipe a bit and added a lot more Dijon for the sauce and fell in love with it. I didn't make the corn cake and spinach that was in the original recipe due to time. But I have to say, it was delish!

I've seen these in the store, but have been too afraid to go ahead and give them a try.
After reading
Vicki's blog however, made me actually go out and buy a Cherrybrook cake mix. It was really simple to make and came out good. My boyfriend practically ate the entire cake by himself in one night. For the frosting I made the chocolate recipe from Vegan Baking. I have to say that it's the best frosting I've ever had in my life. I couldn't get over how good it was! The cake sadly didn't last more than two days do to its popularity. I could really use a slice right about now lol.

These are the Chewy Choco Raspberry cookies from Veganomicon. They're a little bit too chewy for my teeth, but the flavor is great! It's not too sweet and has a wonderful aftertaste.

Vegan Caesar Salad with fake chick'n. I had bought a botttle from Sprouts of the Spectrum Vegan Caesar Dressing. The dressing is really good and is great when you don't want to make your own dressing. The fake chick'n wasn't that great however. I've never been that much of a fan of fake meats, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

Masala Pears from La Dolce Vegan! These would have been better with vegan ice cream, but were still great by themselves! The sauce was the best part ;p

Finally, the classic Grill Cheese, now the Grilled Tofutti! I love this for a simple meal, it melts fairly well and at least holds the bread together. It still has the funny aftertaste of fake cheese, but all in all its pretty darn tasty.